Need a plumber?

COVID-19 has kept us pretty well isolated. The good news is we can walk to work and live in a beautiful area. The other day a neighbor had a leaky sink. Wow, a reason to do something a little different.

First I had to convince the owner of the leak that I should be able to fix it. When I was really young I remember that my dad was in the plumbing business. That was enough to get the “job”.

This got me thinking, what if my memory was incorrect? Brought up Google and checked for Denny’s House of Plumbing. If figured that there might be something but wasn’t expecting much. It had been in the early 1950’s after all.

They are still in business! A third generation business which in itself is amazing. I contacted them and a response was rapidly sent back. Yes the current owner knew my dad and my memories from the early 50’s were correct.

While this is interesting, coupled with a recent experience while on jury duty the rapid response to my email is atypical for a plumber.

I was called for jury duty but had an appointment with a plumber at the same time. A call to the court to get excused was met with the clerk saying “your got a plumber to schedule an appointment?” I was immediately excused.

So if you are in Marin County and need a plumber, give Denny’s a call. 1-415-479-1655 or

I was able to fix the leaking sink but think my time is better spent in the strap world.